uchit dava dena example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The covered spaces A bridge has no other purpose than to support a portion of track with a beam or arc; and metal, by itself, can fill that role 2. The fen fill small depressions, forming swamps 3. The idea is that the spatial extension of the form F W monitors the change of qi sensitive qualities that fill it 4. The pins placed in the tank make it possible to always fill the same way 5. The same idea - to best fill the space from "size fractions" Successive - enabled the French Albert Caquot, in 1930, propose a theory for concrete

Given are the examples of hindi word uchit dava dena usage in english sentences. The examples of uchit dava dena are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., fill.

Sometimes election is held only for one constitutency to fill the vacancy caused by death or resignation of a member.

Every person who wishes to contest an election has to fill a nomination form and give some money as security deposit .
The discovery of the first two noble gases helium and argon in 1890 suggested the possibility that there must be other similar elements to fill an entire family.
Discuss with your friends and your teacher and fill up the following Table 1 We know that sewage is a complex mixture containing suspended solids, organic and inorganic impurities, nutrients, saprotrophic and disease causing bacteria and other microbes.
A family gets to fill a maximum of three buckets within this time.
Take a container, fill it with water and close it with a lid.
Once he wrote to the residents that it was time to fill in the old latrine trenches and dig new ones otherwise the old ones would begin to smell bad.
Here are some pictorial glimpses of the history of our country from 1757 to 185 These pictures and 'speech bubbles' will help clarify your understanding of the conditions that led to the event known as the First War of Independence in 185 my countrymen! Let your eyes fill with tears, as you recall the sacrifices of India's martyrs.
Can you fill in the blanks by recalling the rights dimension in each chapter? Chapter One: Chile under Pinochet and Poland under Jaruzelsky were not democratic because … Chapter Two: A comprehensive definition of democracy includes … Chapter Three: Our Constitution makers believed that fundamental rights were quite central to the Constitution because … Chapter Four: Every adult citizen of India has the right to .
Take the big can that has been punched with holes and fill it with water.
संबंधित शब्द उचित दवा देना के पर्यायवाची उचित दवा देना के विपरीत शब्द

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